Bratislava, Slovakia
The Automobile Club of the Slovak Republic (AKSR) was founded in 1998 and is one of the leading automobile clubs in Slovakia. The AKSR provides assistance services, legal advice and travel planning support. Since 2020, the AKSR has been the national coordinator of the European Road Safety Charter for Slovakia and supports mobility and road safety education projects.
Banja Luka, Rep. of Srpska
Automobile and Motorcycle Association of the Republic of Srpska (AMS RS) was established 1992 as one of three successors of the Automobile and Motorcycle Association of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). It primarily operates in the territory of the BiH and provides services to its members throughout Europe. AMS RS provides technical assistance, removal and transport of vehicles off the road and other tasks of its Department "Help-Information" (DHI) through 21 AMO DHI centers for 24 hours every day, 365 days a year.
Vienna, Austria
ARBÖ is Austria's second largest motorists' club with approximately 400,000 members. ARBÖ advocates for the interests of all road users and offers its members a range of services. The main focus is on technical services, legal advice and representation of interests. In about 90 offices, 800 specialised staff members are available for information, assistance and the inspection of motor vehicles throughout Austria.
Bad Windsheim, Germany
As a modern mobility club, the ARCD is a service-oriented service provider and an independent representation of interests for its approximately 155,000 members in all areas of individual mobility. A top-rated protection letter, individual advice and exclusive tourist service offers form the core of these services.
The ARCD is committed to a sensible, sustainable, environmentally and socially compatible interlinking of all modes of transport, to safe and ecologically justifiable individual transport and environmentally compatible tourism.
Munich, Germany
Founded in 1935, KRAFTFAHRER-SCHUTZ e.V. (KS) is today the third largest automobile club in Germany with around 700,000 members. It has been a member of the German Road Safety Association (DVW) for decades and is one of the founding members of the German Road Safety Council (DVR). With its subsidiaries AUXILIA Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-AG and KS Versicherungs-AG, it offers a comprehensive range of club and insurance services that have won many rankings based on performance and price.
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